Romain Desgraz

I am a graduate in the Master in the Political Economy of Capitalism (University of Geneva).
I am interested in fiscal policy, interest groups, Commons.
I would like to pursue my academic career through a PhD to better understand how to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of people.


Romain hat zu den folgenden Inhalten beigetragen

Level: mittel
The blog post by Marc Lavoie contrasts what he perceives as the two main interpretations of the current inflationary tendencies (the 'excessive demand inflation' story and the 'profit inflation' story) and contrasts them with a third interpretation. This interpretation acknowledes rising profits but argues in favor of a different mechanism that centers on changes in the relative composition of costs.
Level: schwer
The dominant view of inflation holds that it is macroeconomic in origin and must always be tackled with macroeconomic tightening. In contrast, we argue that the US COVID-19 inflation is predominantly a sellers’ inflation that derives from microeconomic origins, namely the ability of firms with market power to hike prices.
Level: mittel
The present working paper is dedicated to fill a void in the degrowth literature related to the aspect of planning to achieve post-growth models of societies. The authors propose a new framework that focuses on non-market forms of planning and propose multi-level planning institutions to mediate the local level with society-wide and global institutions.
Level: leicht
"The World Inequality Lab gathers social scientists committed to helping everyone understand the drivers of inequality worldwide through evidence-based research. The World Inequality Lab hosts the World Inequality Database, the most extensive public database on global inequality dynamics. Their main missions are:  The extension of the World Inequality Database The publication …
Level: leicht
Constatant la complexité de ses vidéos récentes, le youtubeur Heu?reka décide de faire un recapitulatif du "fonctionnement de l'économie, le PIB, les marchés financiers, les traders, les différentes banques, l'Etat, la création monétaire et la dette."
Level: leicht
Dans cette vidéo, Éric Monnet, lauréat du Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2022, se penche sur le rôle des institutions financières durant les périodes de crises économiques.
Level: mittel
"From the perspective of mainstream theory, the effectiveness of monetary policy in bringing down inflation depends on two very important equations: the aggregate demand equation and the infamous Phillips Curve. Without these, it becomes more difficult — or rather impossible — for central banks to carry out monetary policy and …
Level: leicht
What motivates big businesses to reject full employment policies? Michal Kalecki adressed this question in 1943 by analysing the political ideology that govern the private sector.
Level: mittel
Dans cette vidéo, Thibault Lieurade reçoit Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran à la suite d'une note publiée par l'institut Veblen Cette note plaide pour un mode volontaire de création de monnaie centrale, en émettant la quantité nécessaire pour mener à bien différents projets écologiques, sociaux ou sanitaires. Pour ce faire, l'idée est de …
Level: leicht
To celebrate the forthcoming book, "A brief history of Economic Thought: From the Mercantilists to the Post-Keynesians", edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon and Hassan Bougrine (Edward Elgar), Louis-Philippe Rochon sat down with celebrated author and scholar Sergio Rossi to discuss his contribution "Milton Friedman and the Monetarist School".
Level: leicht
Lire les trois gros livres du Capital vous fait peur? C'est normal, mais pas de panique. On discute avec Cédric Durand, économiste marxiste, de quelques notions à partir de la pensée de Marx.
Level: mittel
Sabel and Zeitlin present the persistence of small firms in Europe, against the rise of mass production and modern enterprises. Their article starts by analysing how mass production can be considered a historical necessity for the classical view, as it is a highly specialized structure, where man and machine can …
Level: mittel
The deceleration of world trade since 2011 has been widely discussed. How much is due to a reversal of international production fragmentation? And how much is due to decreasing demand for trade-intensive goods? The authors present a consistent framework that quantifies their relative importance. A central concept in the approach …
Level: leicht
Dans cette vidéo, le youtuber Des économistes et des hommes présente le concept de finance fonctionnelle théorisé par Abba Lerner. Pour ce dernier, le déficit public ne doit pas être vu comme un fardeau pour l'économie, mais plutôt comme un moyen d'améliorer la situation économique et sociale du pays.  L'Etat …
Level: mittel
The website contains a vast amount of information on the history of economic thought. It presents thinkers, their main works (and links to those works) and schools of thought which are sorted by political economy schools, neoclassical schools, alternative schools as well as thematic schools.


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