Vladimir Belev

Vladimir Belev is a Candidate for the European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) at Rotterdam and Hamburg; he is also a graduate with a Bachelor's of Law (LLB) in International and European Law from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands; a Master's of Law (LLM) in (Bulgarian) Law at Sofia University, Bulgaria; and a Diploma in English Law and Legal Skills (DELLS) from the British Law Centre, Cambridge.

Experienced in legal formalist (doctrinal, dogmatic) research through a number internships in public administration (the civil service), academia, and law firms under several Attorneys.

Interested in institutional economics, post-keynesian economics, and ecological economics. Additionally, he is working towards bringing these perspectives and heterodox economics more generally to the economic analysis of law.

As for hobbies, he enjoys baking low-carb desserts, playing basketball, and engaging in classic video game criticism.

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